Important to know

Myth Most sexual assaults are perpetrated by strangers Reality The vast majority of sexual assaults are committed by people known to the victim Myth Most victims can prevent an assault Reality Abusers often overpower their victim with threats or intimidation Myth If there has been sexual assault, it means someone has been beaten Reality Assault is when the act is done without consent, whether the injuries are visible or not, or a weapon has been used or no.MythYoung and beautiful women are assaulted because of their appearance.RealityWomen of all ages, religions, cultures are assaulted or raped.Myth “badass” men are not sexually assaulted. man does not necessarily protect him Myth If you were sexually assaulted, you would not talk to the abuser the next day Reality He or she may not be able to avoid the assault if the two live together, work together or go to class together, or have the same group of friends or acquaintances Myth Men are never sexually assaulted Reality Men are sexually assaulted more often than the majority believe


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- Toll-free number 116 “Hello, children in distress” to the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child - CNDH (National Commission for Human Rights) | GREEN LINE: 80 00 08 88 or 22 52 00 90 - CCDO (Center for the Coordination of Operational Decisions) AT YOUR LISTENING: 20 22 53 45/20 22 49 17 - Police Emergency Relief: 100/110 or 20 25 00 40 - POLICE: 111/170 - SAMU: 185 - SOS SEXUAL VIOLENCE: 67 77 54 65/23 45 16 41 - THE TREE OF LIFE: 56 79 00 00 - WOMAN IN DISTRESS: 54 67 33 22 - AFJCI (Association of women jurists of Côte d'Ivoire): 20 32 28 24/20 25 05 33 Orientation and legal support center, 3 structures in Abidjan and 9 in towns in the interior of the country: Bondoukou, Bouaké, Guiglo, Korhogo, Man, San Pedro, Abengourou, Boundiali and Dalao - AIBEF (Association Ivoirienne pour le Bien-Etre Familial): 21 21 80 80/21 25 36 01 - UNICEF Côte d'Ivoire: 22 47 99 20 - Save the Children International: 22 52 58 00/22 52 58 01 - MEDECINS D'URGENCES - Abidjan: 07 08 26 26 - SOS MEDECINS - Abidjan: 22 44 53 53 - Allo Police: 21 56 47 20 - Children of Africa Foundation: 22 48 03 03 - LICORNE : 07 35 51 89/21 23 55 22/21 23 52 26/21 23 51 71/21 23 51 79/21 23 56 62/21 23 51 79/47 92 04 16/20 20 05 44/20 23 80 59 - ONUCI: 46 00 01 60/06 20 80 59/20 23 80 59/06 20 62 02/46 00 01 66/21 23 55 22 - 43 ieme BIMA: 21 23 52 58 - CARE International in Côte d'Ivoire: 22 40 97 25 - International Rescue Committee (IRC): 22 52 30 50 - Red Cross of Côte d'Ivoire: 20 32 13 35


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